Daily Golang Issue #10 (2024-08-23)

πŸ”₯ This newsletter issue was published 7 days ago in my Daily Golang newsletter. Subscribe to the newsletter to get newsletter issues with best and latest resources about Golang every day in your mailbox.

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Daily Golang is your daily and weekly source for everything about the Go (Golang) programming language. Get the latest news, tips, tutorials, and more delivered straight to your inbox.
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    • Receive fresh Go programming content in your inbox every day and week.
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    Your daily hub for Go news, insights, and projects

    ⚑️ Latest

    Here are the newest blog posts, videos, and projects from the Go community and all around it.

    🧭 Discoveries

    Here is the list of discovered interesting blog posts, videos, and projects that are worth checking out.

    πŸ“ Blog Posts

    • Solving the Expression Problem in Go
      • This article delves into the “expression problem” in programming, which refers to the challenge of adding new data types and operations to a program in a type-safe way. The author explains how to address this problem in Go, offering patterns and examples to implement flexible and extensible code.
    • Testing CLI tools in Go by John Arundel
    • Go Enums Still Suck
      • This article revisits the topic of enums in Go, discussing the limitations and challenges developers face when implementing them in the language. The author critiques the current state of enums in Go and suggests ways to work around these issues, despite Go’s lack of native enum support.
    • Does Go Have Subtyping?

    πŸ“Ή Videos

    πŸ› οΈ Projects

    • EchoVault/EchoVault
      • An embeddable and distributed in-memory alternative to Redis, designed for high availability and fault tolerance, making it ideal for caching and real-time data processing.
    • golang-module/carbon
      • Carbon is a simple, developer-friendly time manipulation library for Go, providing a rich set of functions for working with dates and times in a human-readable way.

    Max Kovalevsky, a software developer

    Prague, the Czech Republic