Neovim - LSP Setup
Install plugin ’lspconfig'
If you use Packer
Put it inside vim config file:
Lua Language Server Configuration
Install (brew)
In any lua file or in a specific file that includes LSP configuration:
- It activates LSP for lua files
- You can check that LSP works for Lua files
- Open any .lua file
- type :LspInfo
- You should see the line
1 client(s) attached to this bufer
andClient: sumneko_lua
JavaScript/TypeScript Server Configuration
Install (npm)
Install (yarn)
- If you use Node Version Manager then typescript-language-server will be installed in the specific folder for the specific version of Node
- For example for Node with version 18.7.0 it will be in the path
- Important!: ensure the server is executable from the command line (just type
and it should be available)
Pre-installing language servers by nvm and npm/yarn
- Some of the language servers are available as npm packages
- They can be installed by npm or yarn
- You can specify the list of language servers that will be installed every time when you install node by nvm
The list should be in the special config file that is available on the path:
An example of file default-package:
There can be any npm packages, not just language servers.