Workshop On-site SEO for Developers - Notes

Parts of SEO described in this workshop:

  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO

How Google Works

Website Architecture

important resource should be available after no more than 5 clicks


  • Home page
    • /blog
    • /article

Tips to avoid problem with having more than 5 clicks

  • increase page size of pagination
    • show 20-30 posts on one page


  • Server-side rendering is still needed
  • You need one of these techniques:
    • pre-rendering
    • dynamic rendering
    • server-side rendering

Canonical URLs

  • Canonical urls should be on your website
  • Need to add canonical url to post’s page and all pages like /blog
    • <link rel="canonical" href="" data-react-helmet="true">

Performance in SEO

Site SEO optimizations

  • SEO-friendly url
    • of course, https
    • avoid subdomain (
    • subdirectory
    • slug
      • short and sweet
      • contains keywords
      • avoid numbers and dates
  • title + h1 tag
    • <title>Your title</title>
    • <h1>Your headline</h1/>
      • should be similar to each other
      • powerful place for keywords
  • published date
    • <time datetime="2020-08-07">August 7, 2020</time>
  • paragraphs
    • use <p> instead of <div>
    • make the p tag and h2 tag siblings if possible (???)
    • mention keywords
  • images
    • it also good for SEO
    • use keywords in the file name
    • place well-made images under relevant subheadings
      • thumbnail for each h2 subtitle?
  • subheadings
    • <h2>Your headline<h2>
      • should describe content of the paragraph below
      • great spot for keywords
      • adds context to internal and external links (??)
      • h2, h3 matter most
  • outbound links
    • links to resource of another website
      • no need to “nofollow” unless it’s a sponsored/affiliate link
      • open in a new tab
      • no competitor’s links
  • internal links
    • links to resource of your own website
  • common tips
    • use keywords (think like a searcher)

Google first page ranking

  • figure out why these resources rank #1 (researching)
    • On-page optimization?
    • User signals? Search intent?
    • Keyword density?
    • Backlinks?
    • Internal link strategy?

Free SEO Tools

  • Google Search Console
    • to monitor clicks vs impressions
    • use it to
      • test improving the CTR of your titles
      • monitoring search performance
  • Ahrefs Webmaster Tools
    • run Site Audit and pick up common issues like
      • maximum crawl depth
      • redirect chains
      • 404 pages
      • etc
  • Detailed Seo Extension
    • quick access to web page’s:
      • metadata
      • schema
      • page structure
      • internal links
      • external links


Tools for keyword research